quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008

Algumas mensagens de Fri e Tarek

essa foto foi feita la na exposicao da suica, primeiro as q tirei estavam pessimas , fiz com celular no escuro, ai uma amiga q trabalhou la dentro me permitiu copiar as q ela fez, iguais as minhas mas bem melhores. Olha esse colar do farao...

honey i never stoped to love u
u left me alot alone not think to me
not matter my sorrows
if u still think to me u were coming on line more time bec u know i need it
but i think u re having so much love and happiness in ismir that not think to me
i love u still and always

fri: i think i ll go to turkey and then after it i ll come to brasil to kill me bec i feel i cant live anymore..all problems and i havent no more money to solve and has no sense to go on living being in worst situation that i m now
fri: i would like to say u ta...u were a big love to me, i know u didnt care to me now, my friend was in turkey done so much with so smal money, he get only 600 turkish liras an done all for me when i was in turkey, he also sent me money here in brasil, he borrow from friends and relatives to help me, but i need a big ammont..
And u Ta, u could help me if be by my side - if u give me back now it shows u re ok there, but u say u dont have time and has problem and still love ok
fri: Look Ta...live ur life i know u can do it so good...i ll have only 2 chances now, if while im in turkey my friend can get more money from friends to help me then i come to brasil pay lowyer and wait my apart come to my hands...

Other situation is if all this not happen i ll come back brazil and i ll kill me.
Our history ll be in net to others people know how much i loved u...i want u know it tarek inspite all bad i loved u much ..but u never matter to me..
If i can cross all this phase and sell my apart i ll bring my turksih friend to brasil and i ll try live with him here, bec i ll have forever someone who likes me in true ..
U were so angry when u called me and i was with him first time in one Mosque- but u didnt want go with me in Egypt bec said me was not allow to woman.
U were angry Ta bec someone was being gentle and nice to me
Im too alone - u had left me much alone Tarek
so bad ...so sad ... Only my friend in Turkey matter me sent me words to make me strong call me all time, he really leanerd to like me while it u only used me i know u re this kind of man
fri: but i really loved u, thanks to appear in my life and thanks to make me woman again and thanks to used me and left me alone ..inspite of all if i kill me i go so happy bec i lived 30 days wonderful ilusion of love fri

aqui quando ele soube q eu ia casar com Mohamed no egito

Ta (22/05/2007 15:25:56): fri come plz
Ta (22/05/2007 15:26:00): u are mad
Ta (22/05/2007 15:26:10): u wıll not marry wıth that man
Ta (22/05/2007 15:26:38): ı swear ı was ıll and ı went to başkent hastahne
Ta (22/05/2007 15:26:50): bec my stomach
Ta (22/05/2007 15:27:16): ı told u ı was take treatment from 8 month ın turkey for stomach
Ta (22/05/2007 15:28:39): they put 3 lınes ın my stomach one of them have camera to see what ın my stomach ıt better from before now but ı swear frı ı take now treatment makes me sleep bec my stomach
Ta (22/05/2007 15:28:44): frı ı love u
Ta (22/05/2007 15:29:01): ı wıll be ın egypt as ı told u at 8
Ta (22/05/2007 15:29:10): so come and be wıth me
Ta (22/05/2007 15:29:39): and not marry bec ıf u done but wıll be so dıffıcult for both us
Ta (22/05/2007 15:29:55): frı thınk good plz ı love u
fri (22/05/2007 17:55:38): ta
fri (22/05/2007 17:56:55): first of all , i can marry him bec he is paying all to me go to egypt ( naquela epoca Mohamed pagou o ticket pq pensava q eu nao tinha dinheiro, mas qdo viu o meu ...tudo mudou e eu tive q pagar ) and be with his family and also as he is religous man and not want to have sex before marriage , he took information that even im still without my papers to marry we can marry bec he has a lowyer friend who will organize all to us
fri (22/05/2007 17:58:12): so he said come u be with my family until ours paper here be ready and then he said me u are my wife and dont need more afraid of any thing i ll care u and take cae u, he is young as u ta, and maybe i ll not be so good in bed as with u but he is a decent man and not want marry me to goout from egypt, or by money or others interesst by the way he wants we live in alex ( Alexandria )
fri (22/05/2007 17:58:36): u want marry me to go brasil and find ur thausend brasilian woman that u had contacted , i know u will say no...but i sow ur web page how many brazilian and turkish wrote , they not know nothing ...
fri (22/05/2007 17:59:03): as u done with cristine, married her and stay with a lot woman in chat
fri (22/05/2007 17:59:34): and when i wanted u be with me on line in 2006 u sai no i cant it was not true bec this brasilian woman named paula she said he contacted me in 2006
fri (22/05/2007 20:03:06): and tarek, inspite love u, i start to like him and his way, i think he can make me love him so much as i love u, u left me much alone since 2005 was me all time who contact u and u dont give me any attention u dont matter me, he all time care about me and what can make me happy he thinks to my health and what can hurt me or not, he wants see me smileand happy while u want only worry about u
U changed a lot Tarek since gone to Turkey, u changed and wish i continue the same to u, no fair!

fri (13:05:50): my friend she went to work im alone now in her hause
tarek (13:06:17): ýt easy try u do ýt u are clever
tarek(13:06:19): plz
fri (13:06:45): it saz it intalled cam
fri (13:07:07): while it is doing it talk me
fri (13:07:19): ta
tarek (13:07:22): yes
fri (13:07:31): i came to one thought that i cant lie without u
fri (13:07:35): u re separated
fri (13:07:37): u married
fri (13:07:40): i done divorce
tarek(13:07:43): u cannt lie
tarek (13:07:48): how:-P
tarek (13:08:02): fri fri: i came to one thought that i cant live without u
fri (13:08:06): and we didnt be there the cam is cheap
fri (13:08:13): costed 6 euros has not good image
tarek(13:08:26): so
tarek (13:08:37): first take that from u head
tarek (13:08:49): and open the light
fri (13:09:05): i cant take it
fri (13:09:11): becausemz hair is all white
tarek (13:09:11): do
fri (13:09:17): and i cant put collor
tarek (13:09:21): only me see u
tarek (13:09:28): take out
fri (13:09:34): im shame u see it
fri (13:09:38): no pls not ask me it
tarek (13:09:44): so u not love me
fri (13:09:47): Ta i havent place to make cam
tarek(13:09:51): thanks
tarek (13:11:35): what are u doing
fri (13:12:44): Taopen ur cam, i wanna see if u get fat, not lie
fri (13:12:46): hehehehehe
tarek(13:12:50): ýam sexy:D
fri (13:12:55): i sow a pic
fri (13:12:57): u got fat
fri (13:12:58): abit
tarek (13:13:09): Im sexy and fit
tarek (13:28:52): ý wýll be ýn egypt ýn month 9th plz come
tarek(13:28:54): plz
fri (13:29:04): i want so much but now i have anzymoney
fri (13:29:12): is my friend in turkey who sent me money to eat. Im in Brazil n
fri (13:29:18): i must sell myapartament than i will have now im poor Fri
fri (13:29:22): an also have papers
fri (13:29:27): i told all to u
tarek (13:29:39): but I willl be there ýn 9th month, plz fri do it come for our love
tarek(13:29:41): ok
fri (13:29:47): i know it u told
fri (13:29:51): tell me
tarek (13:29:57): what
fri (13:30:04): what happened if until september i havent money
fri (13:30:13): can we marry then in ur embassy inbrasil
tarek (13:30:42): ýn egypt u must come and marry
tarek (13:30:48): that ýs the law
fri (13:30:53): so and i cant go in september
fri (13:30:57): what happen to us
tarek (13:31:13): so we wýll not marry ýn september
fri (13:31:23): ta answer me
tarek (13:31:31): what
fri (13:31:49): what happended if i dont have money til there bec we need to rent apart we need pay a lot to be there
tarek (13:32:18): we wýll rent small home even room
fri (13:32:19): mz love al i wish in mz life is be with u
fri (13:32:27): so i need to have a good money
tarek (13:32:41): u control all the eat every thýng ýam only want see u
fri (13:32:42): i have anz cent now i m living of favor of others pls read what i write u
tarek (13:32:45): open the cam
tarek (13:33:30): try to come fri
fri (13:33:39):and if no
fri (13:33:42): why not answer
tarek (13:33:49): u must come
tarek (13:34:43): look ok u cannt come
tarek (13:34:48): ý understand,
fri (13:34:57): so what we do
fri (13:35:01): i want be with u
tarek (13:35:07): and also me show me u wish be with me come fri
fri (13:42:41): this cam
fri (13:42:48): is problem
tarek (13:43:01): ok
fri (13:43:14): tarek i want ask a serious question
tarek (13:43:23): ask my eyes
fri (13:43:27): u when knew me u done all to we meet us in egypt
fri (13:43:37): and i done allto go of course it took 7 to 8 months
fri (13:43:39): remember
tarek (13:43:45): yes - cannot never forgot all our love fri
fri (13:43:49): then u done all to me divorce
fri (13:43:56): and i done all of course it took many time
fri (13:44:00): but i done what i said
tarek (13:44:03): bec ý was want marry u
fri (13:44:15): now im divorced and have problems with money and with all to reach u
fri (13:44:19): what i want to ask is
tarek (13:44:30): ask fri plz
fri (13:44:43): really u want it , if yes keep contact as u done when wanted meet me and when u wanted i done divorce
fri (13:44:46): i say u
eu coloco o resto outro dia - chegou visita aqui

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