terça-feira, 8 de julho de 2008

Bitacle2.0 punished by many bloggers

Estou muito feliz, finalmente o web site bitacle2.0 ( espanhol ) foi punido por seus atos ilegais.Ele roubava meu blog, ou seja o conteudo do meu blog e as usava como se fosse dele e ainda recebia com as propagandas q minhas paginas geravam para ele....Mas ele fez com muitos outros tambem q se uniram e deram um jeito de retira-lo do ar..gente como o dono desse site deveriam ser postos para fora da net e nunca mais fazer parte dessa rede, mas infelizmente nao temos como controlar e vermes como eles sempre existirao
Podem ler no post abaixo q eu havia feito no meu primeiro blog, q e o que eles usaram ....

Bitacle has become Public Enemy #1 this weekend in some parts of the blogosphere (Search Bitacle on Technorati for more details). As I reported earlier, the Spain-based splogger scrapes your content (your Creative Commons deed be damned), monetizes it, keeps the cash — and refuses to answer email complaints. I called them “thieves” in my first post, and I am repeating the charge here. Bitacle’s boss, the magnificently misnamed Jesus Angelo “But call me Ladrón, honey” Glez, is a thief.

…Bitacle, while not replying to anyone’s mails, as far as I can see, seems to be aware they are under attack. They’ve been down much of the weekend, and they have (today) started including the URL to the content they steal. Nevertheless, they are still ripping off and re-purposing content, without permission, for their own financial gain. Worse, they still encourage comments to the stolen blog posts on their site in an attempt to dupe readers into believing they are seeing a “real” blog.


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