Then Fri started to call him also as "duck".
Thus they are a couple of "ducks".
They were in love but to Fri now this story is over
She said him : - it s end !
But he came now to fight with her..
See the dialogue between them.
Tarek ficou maluco e começou abrigar e gritar alto...parecia maluco.E como sempre ele tentou faze-la se sentir culpada.
Fri couldnt bear that his possessive way and gave him her back , and gone away...she left him speaking alone
All time was the same..if she didnt do waht he wanted he was mad ...
She gone to swimming a bit to relax ...Oh poor Fri duck!! Ela foi nadar um pouco para relaxar..OH pobre fri!
Tarek left Fri so long time alone and all time demanding that she must be alone while he is already married. couldnt be more as he wanted...she said
- or u take one decision now and leave her and take ur life on ur hands and go back to egypt or u continue ur life with her and forget me.
- He asked her to wait more ...and that she cant more..he must accept he cant keep her in his life in this way...she is free now...
Tarek deixou-a tanto tempo sozinha.apenas se preocupando com as coisas dele...e ainda assim exigindo q ela fosse so dele.Nao...nao poderia mais ser assim...ela disse
- Ou vc toma uma decisao de vez ..pega sua vida de volta e se vai pro egito ou voce fica com ela para sempre e me esquece.
Ele pediu para ela esperar mais um pouco...mas isso ela nao podia mais.Ele tem q aceitar q nao pode mais mante-la na vida dele dessa forma. Ela estava livre agora
Now other Duck came to her life...and maybe she will give her heart to him...And Tarek and Fri history became to END
Agora apareceu outro Pato na vida dela...e talvez ela dara a ele o seu coraçao.
E a Historia de Tarek & Fri chegou ao Fim ...acabou !
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