Amando no Egito, loving an egyptian - desde 2004 online! Benvindos!
quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008
setembro . 2005 . repostando postagens do primeiro blog - egito
Segunda-feira, Setembro 26, 2005
Tarek and Fri Tarek - scorpion, 1,86 tal, 80 kilos, likes sports, lowyer and loves
Fri Fri- capricorn, ascendent in taurus, with a scorpion in hause 7 or 8, i dont remember well, 1,49 tall, 55 kilos now, and loves Tarek
Tarek from Egypt, Fri from Brazil
Tarek loves Brazil, and wishes one day he can live here until the end of his life
Fri, loves egypt mainly Alexandria...
Egypt without Tarek is the same of nothing
Tarek muslim and Fri was all religion and sects all mediunity, tarek accepted her same so
Tarek was healthful and strong to life Fri was feel so weak and wish to die
Tarek gave her one breath with his love And Fri accepted this love
They wish be together, all is difficult but they dream to be together, allah ll hear them
Tarek and Fri dream also to go again to alex and again to live the wonderful time they had in egypt
Tarek asks to Allah to give them this oportunity
Fri says to Allah she can be happy only if this dream comes in true
Life spirit also wants Tarek and Fri together And it will happen one day, even it takes so many years
One true love never die - Tarek I love u - Fri,, my eyes I love u
- we are blessed my love dont worry
Postado por Fri às 5:28 AM 0 comentários